Küttesüsteemide müük, paigaldus ja hooldus

Vesiküttel õhkküttekalorifeer XT



Vesiküttel õhkküttekalorifeer XT

Õhkütteseade, mis oma kaasaegse disainiga, sobib kasutamiseks erinevates hoonetes (ostukeskused, poed, laod, müügikohad, tööstushooned), kus see toode on üsna tüüpiline.

Lisaks disainile on 230 V ühefaasiline elektrimootori ja lihtsa 3-kiirusega juhtimisega (sarnaselt ventilatsiooni sissepuhkeseadmetele) seadmele omistatud märge "Innovatiivne toode"

• XT-HA: Aerotherm 1 kiirusega telgventilaatoriga veekalorifeeriga õhkkütteseade (ainult küte)
• XT-HB: Aerotherm 3 kiirusega telgventilaatoriga veekalorifeeriga õhkkütteseade (ainult küte)
• XT-HC: Aerotherm 2 kiirusega telgventilaatoriga veekalorifeeriga õhkkütteseade (küte ja jahutus)
• XT-HE: Aerotherm 1 kiirusega telgventilaatoriga elektrikalorifeeriga õhkkütteseade 230V/1Ph/50Hz or 400V/3Ph/50Hz (ainult küte) 
• XT-CA: Aerotherm 3 kiirusega tsentrifugaalventilaatoriga veekalorifeeriga õhkkütteseade (ainult küte, õhukanalile);
• XT-CE: Aerotherm 1 kiirusega telgventilaatoriga elektrikalorifeeriga õhkkütteseade 230V/1Ph/50Hz or 400V/3Ph/50Hz (ainult küte, õhukanalile) 

Cabinet made of extremely thick galvanized steel-sheet and pre-painted whiteRAL  9002. Reduced size. Air supply single bank adjustable grill made of painted
steel grey RAL 7004.
Heat exchanger
• Water coil (for versions: XT-HA ; XT-HB ; XT-HC ; XT-CA): Highly efficient coil made of copper pipes and aluminium fins fixed by mechanical expansion.
• Electrical heaters (for versions: XT-HE ; XT-CE): Electric heaters are made according to the international electric and safety standards, of plated type.
Fan section including 1 or 2 fans directly coupled to 1 or 2 electric motors.
Mounted on elastic and anti vibration supports. Fans statically and dynamically balanced. Electric motors provided with heat protection (Klixon), running capacitor
permanently switched on, Class B, electric cables protected by double insulation.
Manufactured according with the international standards, with fan protection grill, 230V – 1Ph – 50Hz.
• 1 speed helicoidal fan (for versions: XT-HA ; XT-HE)
Helicoidal fans with aluminium blades. 1 speed electrical motors, IP 54.
• 3 speed helicoidal fan (for version: XT-HB)
Helicoidal fans with aluminium blades. 3 speed electrical motors, IP 54 (obtained with 6 speed auto-transformer, with 3 connected speed = product flexibility,
with the possibility to connect on-site “spare speed” higher/lower).
Auto-transformer installed externally (IP20), on the rear side of the unit.
• 2 speed helicoidal fan (for version: XT-HC)
Helicoidal fans with aluminium blades. 2 speed electrical motors, IP 54 (obtained with 6 speed auto-transformer): high speed only for heating; low speed only
for cooling.
• 3 speed centrifugal fan (for versions: XT-CA ; XT-CE)
Centrifugal fans with double air inlet aluminium blades (forward curved fins).
3 speed electrical motors, IP 42.